Thursday, January 30, 2020


Inheritance makes it possible to create complex models that better reflect how developers think and also reduce the work required to interact with those models. The database table for Enrollments should have one foreign key for the CurrCourse and one for the PrevCourse, but Code First will create four foreign key properties, i. In Entity Framework, there are two types of entities that allow developers to use their own custom data classes together with data model without making any modifications to the data classes themselves. First only student information is displayed and after explicitly loading enrollments entity, both student and his related enrollments information is displayed. Code-based migration is useful when you want more control on the migration. ef 6 x dbcontext generator

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A property can contain primitive data such as a string, an integer, or a Boolean valueor structured data such as a complex type.

ExecuteSqlCommnad method is used in sending non-query commands to the database, such as the Insert, Update or Delete command.

However, overloading a table or view with indexes could unpleasantly affect the performance of other operations such as inserts or updates. Ali Dehghan Ali Dehghan 3 3 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges. Code-based migration is useful when you want more control on the migration.

ef 6 x dbcontext generator

In a conceptual model, entity types are constructed from properties and describe the structure of top-level concepts, such as a Students and Enrollments in a business application. Let Defines a range variable that you can use to store subexpression results in a query expression. For example, when performing an alphabetic sort, the sort would be in the range from A to Z.

Once it is executed, we will add the model in the migration history and for dbcontedt, we have to fire add-migration command in the same console.

EF 6.x EntityObject Generator for C# - Visual Studio Marketplace

The Database First Approach creates the entity dgcontext from an existing database. Schema namespace includes the following attributes that impacts the schema of the database.

ef 6 x dbcontext generator

This statement defines the data type of the elements that LINQ returns during the iteration process. Let us now retrieve all the students from the database by writing the following code in program.

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This can be beneficial to other community members reading this thread. The following code contains the Course class and the above two classes, i. When using POCO entity types, lazy loading is achieved by creating instances of derived proxy types and then overriding virtual properties to add the loading hook. The following dialog will be displayed. It can be applied to a string or array type property of a domain class.

You can see that NotMapped attribute is applied to the FatherName property. But there's a tool to let you reverse engineer xbcontext database into classes which is a great way to get a head generatorr on the coding.

This way the main thread can keep the user interface responsive while the background thread is processing the task at hand. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Use a protected constructor without parameters if you want the CreateObject method to be used to create a proxy for the POCO entity.

The using statement if you want all the resources that the context controls to be disposed at the end of the block. StringLength also allows you to specify additional property validations like MaxLength. Since here we have fetched the data and closed the context, the entities that we have fetched are no longer tracked and this is the disconnected scenario.

ef 6 x dbcontext generator

Once you have the data, you may want to project or filter it as needed to shape the data prior to output. The following example introduces a unique index as shown in the following code. Sign up using Email and Password. To change the property format, right-click on the designer window. With default convention, Code First will create the database tables with the name of DbSet properties in the context class such as Courses, Enrollments and Students.

If you want to specify the join table name and the names of the columns in the table you need to do additional configuration by using the Map method. The Change Tracking tracks changes while adding new record s to the entity collection, modifying or removing existing entities.

Difference between Entity Framework File Creation and Scaffold-DbContext

The DbContext Generator is dbcontex the recommended template for new applications. Following are the basic features of Entity Framework. As you can see that Code first is not able to match up the properties in the two classes on its own.

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