Thursday, January 30, 2020


Update MikTeX in both admin and user mode. Adding things at the end of a command works similarly. Improving the question-asking experience. If I understand correctly it should be part of expl3. The general case may be achieved in two ways. l3regex sty

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I updated my MiKTeX today. If the full update in both modes does not help, please try to prepare a so-called MWE tex. This is also the workaround proposed by Joseph in tex.

The following example defines a simple macro, and then l3degex its definition: Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Update MikTeX in both admin and user mode. But if you are stuck with code that can't be updated for some reason this might be reasonable. It will pretend that the package l3regex has been loaded the package was merged into the expl3 kernel so need not be loaded separately any more.

Index of /ctan/macros/latex/contrib/lisp-on-tex/

The general case may be achieved in two ways. It only takes a minute to sign up. Suppose we want to define a version of a command that does some small extension of its original definition: Asked 6 months ago.

So you should make sure that l3kernel is installed an up to date.

l3kernel: List of files

I assume, though, that the real culprit is an older version of a different package that tries to use the old name to load the module. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help centerplease edit the question.

Uninstalling and reinstalling both Texmaker and Miktex did l3regfx work.

Patch gives you an ingenious and difficult to understand mechanism, and comes as an old-style LaTeX documented macro file, which can no longer be processed to produce formatted documentation, etc. Otherwise, LaTeX users may use one of the patchcmdted or etoolbox packages. In the general case possibly sticking something in the middle of an existing command this is difficult. Now, I do not get any error without packages but it can not compile my latex files with packages.

Roughly speaking, one gives the command a set of instructions analogous to sed substitutions, and it regenerates the command thus amended. Suppose we have a command defined as: I think there was a change to how l3regex was distributed a while ago.

Zeki Akyol Zeki Akyol 11 5 5 bronze badges.

CTAN: Package l3regex

Could you fix your tsy However, the common requirement, to add some code at the beginning or the end of an existing command, is conceptually quite easy. See the How to Ask page for help clarifying this question.

Active 4 months ago. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. Just to make other people aware of tsy.

l3regex sty

Sign up to join this community. Please clarify your specific problem or add additional details to highlight l3revex what you need. This question on the Web: In this case, we need the letltxmacro package which knows about all sorts of LaTeX commands and how to replicate them.

l3regex sty

Fortunately, the file patch. How do we handle problem users?

l3regex sty

I could not find l3regex.

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